Three Shows...
South Park
While it takes the makers of "The Simpsons" almost 9 weeks to come up with an episode it takes much lesser for SP. That is why the episodes are much more topical, using the topics of the day.
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart is one of the funniest anchors I have ever seen. This is the best damn news show in the US.
The Wonder Years
I wish they re-run this show one of these days.
South Park
While it takes the makers of "The Simpsons" almost 9 weeks to come up with an episode it takes much lesser for SP. That is why the episodes are much more topical, using the topics of the day.
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart is one of the funniest anchors I have ever seen. This is the best damn news show in the US.
The Wonder Years
I wish they re-run this show one of these days.
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